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BODY BOLDLY: From Bashing Your Body to a Body Bash
Have you ever fallen in love with yourself? Be honest, did you even think it was possible to wholeheartedly adore the person you see in the mirror every morning?
Well, Body Boldly: From Bashing Your Body to a Body Bash was not written to tell you that loving who you are is possible. It was written to make you feel it and change your life based upon that mindset-shifting type of love.
In these pages you'll find the 5 Techniques to Build Confidence and Self- Love that have helped me and my clients navigate through some of the lowest moments in our lives with a stronger sense of self-awareness, a deeper love for the body they've got and confidence in who they are and all they have to offer.
So Yes! It is possible to love who you are, inside and out.
Let this be your guide to experiencing exactly what that can feel like.
5 Techniques to Build Self-Love and Confidence





“When I reawaken my strength, the trifecta is released — Power, Peace and Passion and that is a commander of change and of love, radical-love of self and for all.”

Hollis Kam, a certified coach and a Human Resources executive with nearly 20 years of experience climbing and helping others climb the corporate ladder. I have worked with, mentored, promoted and coached women from mid-level to senior positions. Throughout the years, I have learned that a major part of a person's success depends on how they use what they've learned and almost anything can be taught; the skill of confidence included.

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